
Film & Medienbüro Niedersachsen e. V.

The Film & Media Office Lower Saxony e. V. (FMB) represents the interests of filmmakers and other professionals in the cultural media sector in Lower Saxony. It was founded in Osnabrück in 1986. Since 2017 it has its headquarters in Hanover.

The FMB is committed to improving the structures for the production and screening of films in the province, as well as to strengthening its independent film and media culture.

Mission and goals:

  • Representing the interests of members and other media professionals
  • Consulting for film projects
  • Support of film and media productions
  • Establishing contacts to movie theaters, broadcasters, distributers etc.
  • Publication of the industry magazine RUNDBRIEF (three times a year) and other publications
  • Organization of events (e.g. film and media forum, pitchings)
  • Presentation of films at festivals and film markets, compilation of film programs
  • Strengthening the film-- and media industry's infrastructure in Lower Saxony
  • Media policy advocacy with authorities, associations, broadcasters and political parties
  • Organization and implementation of the “SchulKinoWochen Niedersachsen” (School Cinema Weeks Lower Saxony)

The Film & Medienbüro Niedersachsen e.V. receives institutional funding support by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and works together with other cultural associations, among others, in the “akku - Arbeitskreis niedersächsicher Kulturverbände“ (Working Group of Cultural Associations in Lower Saxony) to promote joint cultural policy positions.

The CEO of the FMB is a jury member of the funding committee of nordmedia - Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen / Bremen mbH, advises filmmakers on the application process and can issue a letter of intent if needed for the submission. It is also a member of the five-member panel of the “Mediatalents” funding at nordmedia and participates in its conceptional design as well as the recruitment of jury members.

The FMB sends a member to the assembly of the Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM) and contributes its expertise to issues concerning the development of Lower Saxony's media landscape. Members of the FMB board are involved in the advisory board of nordmedia. The FMB coordinates and advises the film funding committee at the “Kulturbüro Hannover”.

On behalf of the NLM and the “Niedersächsische Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung” (Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Equality) the FMB has created the “Medienpädagogischen Atlas Niedersachsen” (Media Education Atlas of Lower Saxony), provides editorial support for its online publication and publishes a monthly newsletter.

Together with Vision Kino, the FMB is the organizer of the “SchulKinoWochen Niedersachsen” and other film education projects. Together with various partners, the FMB organizes the annual Film and Media Forum Lower Saxony, THE industry networking event in Lower Saxony. In cooperation with the “Landesverband Bürgermedien” (Regional Association of Citizen Media), the FMB coordinates “FilmFestSpezial”, a film and festival broadcast with coverage of Lower Saxony film festivals and about film releases.

With continuing education and workshops, the FMB qualifies filmmakers for pressing topics and needs of the industry and organizes networking events. Students from Lower Saxony's universities with a focus on filmmaking are offered a networking platform for exchange, support and joint projects. During the Berlinale, at the European Film Market (EFM), the FMB regularly presents nordmedia-funded film projects and prepares producers for the event in workshops.

Der Vorstand wurde am 10. Mai 2022 auf den Mitgliederversammlung gewählt. (v.l.n.r.)

  • Dr. Martin Jehle (Anachrom Filmproduktion, Lehre Universität Marburg), Kassenführer
  • Julia Scheck (Filmfest Osnabrück), 1. Vorsitz
  • Radek Wegrzyn (Produzent, Regisseur), 2. Vorsitz
  • Dr. Julia Dordel, (Produzentin, Schauspielerin, Autorin),
  • Rainer Ludwigs (Animationsfilmer, Regisseur),
  • Silke Merzhäuser (werkgruppe2 filmproduktion, Dramaturgin)